In connection with the well-known events of the beginning of 2020, our medical team has developed a four-day Immunity Boost program, which includes a comprehensive health check-up of the Waldhotel. In the modern world, when a huge number of people move from country to country and from continent to continent, viruses spread at an incredible rate. Modern medicine is able to apply the latest technologies in a fabulously short time, but it is quite obvious that a person with a strong immune system is naturally protected from diseases and their consequences. Healthy diet, full sleep, dosed physical activity, medical procedures under the supervision of Prof. Med. Verena Briner are just a few components of the Immunity Boost program, which is offered to you by the team of the Waldhotel Health & Medical Excellence 5* Medical Center.
Medical services
• Consultation with the leading doctor of the Waldhotel Medical Center
• A thorough analysis of the physical condition
• Laboratory tests of blood and urine
• Functional diagnosis of the lungs (spirometry)
• ECG at rest and under load
• Biometrics – analysis of body composition, hardware examination to determine the proportion of muscle, bone and adipose tissue (DEXA)
• Indirect calorimetry – determination of metabolic rate (hardware examination)
• 2 procedures of infusion therapy (droppers) with vitamins and micronutrients as prescribed by the Doctor Nutrition
• 1 master class in the Cooking Lab with a balanced nutrition specialist to activate taste and olfactory sensations (90 min)
• 3-course lunch according to the Waldhotel Colour Cuisine balanced nutrition concept
• Waldhotel's collection of herbal Teas for Every Day Spa & Relaxation
• 1 De-Stress massage for 90 minutes to relieve muscle blocks
• 1 Regeneration massage 50 minutes with peppermint oil Physical activity
• Analysis of mobility, physical stability and physical fitness level (FMS hardware examination©)
Upon completion of the Immunity Boost program, the results are discussed with the Doctor. At the final consultation, you will receive your medical file.
The cost of the Immunity Boost program*: CHF 4'180.-
*Half board meals
*Accommodation is not included